Monday, 26 February 2007

Quigo technologies take away Google customers

So I guess we all know the story of David and Goliath don’t we? It seemed liked history repeated itself when Quigo Technologies started to attract the disappointed customers of Google and Yahoo. What does Quigo have to offer that no one else does? Transparency and control of contextual ads. The story goes like this – you want to advertise on Google or Yahoo, you go ahead and buy some advertisement space and keywords yet you don’t know where your ad will show up …will it be a high ranked site? Will you get a third hand site? The testimonial of Jason Klein co-chief executive of Special Ops Media, an interactive ad agency, says it all.
“Because traditional networks are blind, I’ve always assumed that many of the places where your ads come up are on B- and C-level sites,” Mr. Klein said. “With Quigo, you know it’s on, not Joe Schmo’s sports blog. It’s a premium site, and you’re willing to spend more money.” PR is a tough business I dare say. If you are interested in developing more on your PR skills try The Foundry School program.

The Foundry is a training, research and development center working on behalf of SigEx Inc. The revolutionary platform it uses for communication is based on the SuperPBX concept. The Foundry and Sigex Inc., are the creation of CEO Chris Cantell and COO Frederic Artru - two professionals in their field of activity. For more information please visit our website

Diana Zotescu, student at SigEx Foundry
"Public Relations & Advertisement" project of The Foundry School (